Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012

Perlakukan Pelanggan Anda Seperti Anda Ingin Diperlakukan

Resep diatas terdengar terlalu sederhana, tetapi sebenarnya sangat manjur. Resep lain yang mungkin selama ini selalu kita ingat adalah dekatilah pelanggan anda dengan penuh semangat, antusias, gembira dan hal hal pisitif lainnya.
Memang benar, anda bisa lakukan hal tersebut, tetapi anda juga dapat memakai suatu resep lain yang cukup simpel seperti judul artikel ini.

Tentunya,setiap harinya kitapun dalam posisi sebagai pembeli, apa yang akan anda rasa apabila anda diperlakukan tidak seperti yang anda harapkan??marah ? kesal ? atau bahkan malahan tidak jadi membeli ?

Namun sebaliknya,kalau anda merasa senang apabila anda menjumpai seorang sales yang begitu mengerti perasaan, kondisi anda dan kebutuhan anda,tentunya anda akan merasa senang, maka lakukanlah itu terhadap pelanggan anda sendiri.


Basic operations in the blowroom:
mixing or blending
microdust removal
uniform feed to the carding machine
Recycling the waste

Blow room installations consists of a sequence of different machines to carry out the above said
operations.Moreover Since the tuft size of cotton becomes smaller and smaller, the required intensities of processing necessitates different machine configuration.


INCOTERMS merupakan daftar istilah yang digunakan untuk menyelaraskan istilah-istilah perdagangan internasional di seluruh dunia. Istilah ini secara kebiasaan diterima oleh semua pihak yang melakukan perdagangan internasional. INCOTERMS terbagi dalam empat kelompok: E, F, C, D.
KELOMPOK E, meliputi:
EXW (Ex Works)
Ex works berarti tanggung jawab penjual hanya sampai suatu tempat yang telah disepakati antara penjual dan pembeli, di mana barang tersedia di tempat tersebut. Setelah barang tersedia di tempat yang dijanjikan, tanggung jawab berpindah kepada pembeli seluruhnya, termasuk pengangkutan hingga ke tempat tujuan, ijin-ijin pabean, dst.
Moda transportasi: dipilih pembeli (seluruhnya)
Tanggung jawab penjual: menyediakan barang agar siap untuk dijemput pihak pembeli.
Tanggung jawab pembeli: menaikkan barang ke angkutan, mengangkut sampai tujuan, melewati pabean, dst.
Pengalihan resiko/tanggung jawab: saat barang telah tersedia di tempat yang dijanjikan.

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Test faster, test more

<i>Image source: Hohenstein Institute</i>
Image source: Hohenstein Institute
The textile and apparel industry has put immense emphasis upon quality. And running tests seems to be the best possible way to ensure products' quality in terms of the pledged functionalities, performance level and absence of harmful substances. Nowadays, when it comes to testing instruments, testing labs are increasingly looking for faster tests and higher sample rates through automation as well as new standards for new materials and articles. Also they are on the lookout for the testing instruments more convenient and easier to use which require less training for operators and have built-in knowledge on how to interpret test results, testing instrument manufacturers told ATA Journal.

Global cotton consumption estimate decreases, says Cotton Incorporated

<i>(Image source: Cotton Incorporated)</i>
(Image source: Cotton Incorporated)
The US-based Cotton Incorporated states in its latest Monthly Economic Letter that cotton prices trended lower or sideways last month, with the values for the most actively traded May New York futures contract declining from a general range between 95 and 99 US cents/lb to levels between 88 and 92 US cents/lb. Over the same time period, A Index prices generally held to values near 100 US cents/lb.

According to the research and promotional organization for cotton, following India's announcement to halt exports on March 5, New York futures prices rose by 4 US cents/lb. The reaction in A Index prices was delayed a day, with values increasing by 4 US cents/lb on March 6. In later trading, both New York and A Index prices retreated. Uncertainty related to both the volume permitted and the regulatory process of exporting cotton from India has been widely cited as a factor contributing to price volatility during the 2010/11 crop year.

Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

Bangladeshi apparel makers concerned about India's ban on cotton exports

Bangladesh's apparel manufacturers have expressed concerns over India's export ban on cotton, saying that it would cause an adverse impact on both production and export of local textiles and readymade garments.

They expressed the fear that as a result, the prices of imported cotton and yarn will increase significantly, thus affecting the competitiveness of locally made apparel items.

The Indian Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) imposed ban on cotton exports with immediate effect to conserve supplies for local mills.

Cotton prices remain range-bound while supply rises, says Cotton Incorporated

<i>(Image source: Cotton Incorporated)</i>
(Image source: Cotton Incorporated)
According to the February issue of Cotton Incorporated's Monthly Economic Letter, cotton prices remained range-bound over the last month.

The US-based organization reports that in January, prices for the March futures contract on the New York exchange traded between 93 and 100 US cents/lb. Over the same time period, values for the A Index ranged between 99 and 104 US cents/lb. After the release of this month's USDA (US Department of Agriculture) report, March futures moved lower, closing near 90 cents/lb.

It is also said that the USDA report features revisions to historical figures for several Asian countries. The most significant updates were for India, but a series of minor revisions were also made for central Asian nations.

Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

Indonesia lowers its textile and garment export target to US$13 billion

Indonesia has recently adjusted its target for textile and garment export for 2012 to US$13 billion from previously set US$13.7 billion. This was due to the country's failure to meet its export target in 2011, according to report by Indonesian news media. 

Statistics reveal that Indonesia's textile and garment export amounted to US$12.1 billion last year, up by 20% compared with 2010. However, it fell short of its target of US$13.1 billion.

As reported, the Indonesian Textile Association (API) notes that due to the continuous growth in Indonesian domestic market's textile and apparel consumption, the share of country's domestic market may be able to increase from 40% to 50% of the respective total.

According to the report, API says the current productivity utilization rate of Indonesian's textile industry is 70%, and if sufficient infrastructure facilities are provided with no suspension of electricity supply, the industry's productivity utilization rate may be able to go up to 90%. [Adsale ATA]

Minggu, 22 Januari 2012

New "Total Testing" approach to ensure predictable profits

A large model of the Quantum 3 was erected at Uster's stand to catch the eyes of ITMA visitors

Quality control is no easy feat, especially amid the unrelenting cost challenge. To help textile manufacturers optimize production efficiency and reduce costs, Uster has developed the new Quantum 3 yarn quality assurance system, as well as its new "Total Testing" approach, which ATA Journalhad a glimpse at the company's stand at the recent ITMA 2011 exhibition in Barcelona, Spain.

Quantum 3: smart clearing technology

The Quantum 3 is Uster's latest clearer system that measures, analyzes and proposes how the yarn on the winding machines can be tailored to the spinner's quality and productivity needs, hence allowing textile manufacturers to optimize production efficiency and reduce costs. Equipped with new capacitive, optical and foreign matter sensors and powerful processing electronics, the system shows, for the first time ever, the full yarn body, that is, normal yarn with its set of expected tolerable natural variations. The new foreign matter sensor has multiple light sources to detect new colored foreign fibers and to help separation of colored foreign fibers from mostly non-disturbing vegetable matter. The contamination package of the product is completed by a brand new polypropylene clearing option.

Review on China's entry into WTO a decade later

It has been 10 years since China accessed to the WTO on 11 December 2001. During the decade, the Chinese textile industry has grasped the opportunities encountered, and proactively tackled various challenges. As a result, it has been dubbed the "textile manufacturing powerhouse". 
In 2010, China's volume of textile fibers processing made up about 40% in the world's total amount

Weaving Process

Weaving is a method of fabric production in which two distinct sets of yarns or threads are interlaced at right angles to form a fabric or cloth. The other methods are knitting, lace making and felting. The longitudinal threads are called the warp and the lateral threads are the weft or filling. The method in which these threads are inter woven affects the characteristics of the cloth.
The way the warp and filling threads interlace with each other is called the weave. The majority of woven products are created with one of three basic weaves:plain weavesatin weave, or twill. Woven cloth can be plain (in one colour or a simple pattern), or can be woven in decorative or artistic design.
Cloth is usuallly woven on a loom, a device that holds the warp threads in place while filling threads are woven through them. Weft is an old English word meaning "that which is woven". A fabric band which meets this definition of cloth (warp threads with a weft thread winding between) can also be made using other methods, including tablet weaving, back-strap, or other techniques without looms.

Desain Batik Rasa Amerika

KOMPAS/ANDREAS MARYOTOPengunjung mengamati desain batik pemenang American Batik Design Competition di Hotel The Palace, San Francisco, Amerika Serikat, awal November lalu. Kompetisi ini diadakan agar batik makin mendunia.
KOMPAS.com - Kain-kain batik yang terpampang di salah satu ruangan Hotel The Palace, San Francisco, Amerika Serikat, awal November lalu membuat kita terkaget-kaget. Ada yang bermotif bison, koboi, gandum, hingga motif QR code. Motif-motif itu jauh dari pikiran orang-orang Indonesia yang akrab dengan batik. Batik telah melangkah jauh, dari sekadar milik Indonesia menjadi milik dunia.
Elizabeth Urabe, Joanne Giglotti, dan Kelly Cobb terus mengumbar senyum. Peluk cium dan jabat tangan bertubi-tubi menimpa mereka. Ketiganya tengah menerima ucapan selamat dari rekan-rekannya dan juga orang Indonesia yang menghadiri pengumuman pemenang American Batik Design Competition dalam acara yang dikemas dengan nama Indonesia Celebration Dinner.
Mereka adalah tiga orang yang meraih juara pertama lomba itu. Ada juga tiga orang yang mendapat juara kedua dan tiga orang lainnya yang mendapat juara ketiga.

Batik Perpaduan Oriental Sambut Imlek

SEMARANG, KOMPAS.com--Rumah Batik Danar Hadi Semarang meluncurkan 30 koleksi batik terbarunya dengan sentuhan oriental dalam motif desain, Selasa, untuk menyambut perayaan Imlek 2563.

Pada pergelaran busana batik bertema "Oriental Expressions" itu, koleksi yang ditampilkan menyuguhkan dominasi warna merah, kuning, maupun emas yang identik dengan pengaruh budaya China.

Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

Weaving the way towards energy conservation

The recent debt crisis in the two major markets, Europe and the US, appears to have put the entire textile and apparel industry in an uncertain position. On top of that, massive pressures have mounted with the spiraling raw materials prices and labor costs. Under such circumstances, weavers in particular are struggling to survive. The most daunting challenge faced by textile weavers, according to Swiss weaving machinery maker Stäubli, is to respond quickly to the rapidly changing market demand, where there is already overcapacity in fabric production, and the prices are low.

To help them improve their competitiveness, weaving machinery suppliers have worked to develop new technologies. But what is the leading direction for the development of weaving machinery?

The latest developments in weaving machines lie in energy conservation, high productivity, high performance, flexibility, consistent fabric quality and versatility in terms of applications, said Dr Hua Tao, Instructor of Institute of Textiles and Clothing of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, at the recent Review Seminar on ITMA 2011 in Hong Kong.

His views were echoed. "Energy saving and sustainability will continue to be important in weaving machinery's development. However, the machines must be easy to operate and maintain low price, durability and flexibility to produce not just one particular product but a range of products," noted Reinhard Furrer, Marketing & Sales of Stäubli Sargans Ag.

India's cotton output likely to reach 340 lakh bales in 2011-12 season

The Cotton Association of India (CAI) expects that in 2011-12 season, India's cotton output will be at least 340 lakh bales (34 million bales), but its consumption will probably be below 250 lakh bales (25 million bales), Indian media reports.

CAI President, Dhiren N Sheth, was quoted as stating that favorable seasonal conditions for cotton in the previous season (2010-11) encouraged Indian farmers to boost the acreage for cotton cultivation, and with hindsight of price hikes in the 2009-2010 season, Indian famers used extra area for cotton cultivation.

High Speed Spindles Technology HP-S 68 (Novibra)

IntroductionA textile spindle is a device with oscillatory properties which, depending on the speed of rotation due to its unbalanced state, is vibrationally excited.
The spindle can be described as a spring-mass system with a damping device proportional to rotation speed. The running performance of a spindle is directly influenced by the individual bending stiffness and the damping characteristics of the system.
For spin-technological reasons a quiet run of the spindle, concentric to the spinning ring and with minimum amplitudes at the top of the spindle, is required.
All spinning spindles are operated in the hypercritical speed range. The first critical speed is, according to spindle design, between 2,000 and 4,000 rpm. This speed is only relevant during the start of the machine. The occurrence of a second critical speed within the working speed range of the spindle must be avoided at all cost. Apart from other factors, this is achieved by making the spindle upper part sufficiently resistant to bending deflections.
HP-S 68 Spindle Design
Modern spindles must be designed for spindle speeds above 20,000 rpm. The special aim is to ensure that belt or tape speeds do not increase in the same ratio as the spindle speed. The objective is therefore to reduce the wharve diameter still further. This can only be achieved by reducing the dimensions of the neck bearing and, consequently, the shaft diameter of the spindle upper part. Smaller spindle shaft diameters with otherwise the same bearing dimensions are however less rigid.
As mentioned above, a reduced stiffness of the spindle upper part would have a negative influence on the running performance of the spindle. Consequently, when reducing the diameter of the spindle shaft of HP-S 68 spindle to 6.8 mm, the distance

Travellers types (Bracker)


C-shaped travellers for T-Flange rings - SFB and SU travellers for oblique flange rings

  • Diffusion treatment with deepened effect
  • Special components penetrate the traveller and are active also when traveller wear occurs
  • High-speed travellers
  • Ring running in and normal use
  • All fibre types

  • Special nickel plating
  • High resistance to corrosion
  • Good gliding properties
  • Chemical fibres and blends
  • Difficult environmental conditions

Guru SMKN Tegal ciptakan robot pembatik

Agus Martoyo, guru Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri (SMKN) 1 Tegal, Jawa Tengah, berhasil menciptakan robot pembatik yang mampu mempercepat proses pembuatan pola batik tulis dengan hasil produksi lebih tinggi dibanding proses manual.

"Robot itu kami namakan Robotika Machine 7NG-1110. Ini kami buat untuk mempercepat proses membuat pola secara langsung di atas kain tanpa menggunakan alat gambar manual," kata Agus Martoyo, guru mata pelajaran Elektronika dan Mesin SMKN 1 Kota Tegal di pameran Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) 2011 di Alun-alun Kota Tegal, Minggu.

Guru kelas sekaligus pencipta mesin robot batik tersebut mengatakan, ide awal menciptakan robot batik berawal dari keluhan sejumlah pengusaha batik tulis yang kesulitan membuat pola sehingga muncullah ide menciptakan mesin yang dapat membubuhkan cairan malam ke kain dengan corak tertentu.

Presiden minta batik Indonesia khas dan berkarakter

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono meminta agar batik Indonesia memiliki kekhasan atau karakter sehingga dapat terus bertahan dan bersaing di dunia.

Permintaan itu disampaikan oleh Presiden Yudhoyono kepada para pengrajin batik Ngadirojo di Pendopo Kantor Bupati Pacitan, Jatim, Kamis malam.

"Harus ada kekhasan. Batik Indonesia harus punya karakter atau kekhasan. Kekhasan ini bisa nasional atau juga daerah," kata Presiden yang didampingi Ibu Negara Ani Yudhoyono dan Gubernur Jawa Timur Soekarwo.

Ia kemudian mencontohkan motif pace (mengkudu) yang dapat menjadi ciri khas batik Pacitan.